Sunday, July 28, 2013

With hefty college tuition bills to pay and little extra left over for my own pursuit of higher knowledge, I was determined to find something on line I could study and explore at no cost. That's when I stumbled across Coursera. org, part of the MOOC, Massive Open Online Courses. It offers literally hundreds of courses from University Professors around the world that you take from the comfort of your home, at your own pace and schedule. The weekly lectures consist of short video segments, under 60 minutes that typically run for 6 weeks. You can listen to them in one sitting or at different times. There are optional quizzes and assignments for those who want a challenge. I prefer to simply listen to the lectures and take my own notes, without the pressure of performing, which fits my style of learning at this point in my life. Presently I am exploring issues related to aging through Global Aging, the subject of image manipulation through The Camera Never Lies and topics related to nutrition through Nutrition for Health and Promotion of Disease Prevention. The possibilities are endless for exploring different topics. I look forward to my classes and being in the world of ideas.  Mental stimulation I certainly crave after a dead end career that is winding down.  So check it out, you'll be amazed at all there is out there for the taking. You are never too old to learn!

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