Monday, June 30, 2014

Check out if you are looking for a job that helps people 50 and over find work with companies that value experience from mature workers. I'm sure many of us have heard stories or experienced ageism first hand in the work world. One such example always comes to mind when a friend  who was having the hardest time finding work, despite an impressive resume, finally landed a job after he dyed his white hair brown.   When you get to a certain age you start to feel invisible especially in a society that over values youth and looks. So it is refreshing to find a business that is focused on matching the skills of older workers with companies that welcome their abilities, white hair, wrinkles and all.
Many of the jobs are part time positions for those who are interested in picking up some extra income. With boomers working longer, they are an important work force that offer much experience and a good work ethic, recognized by the certified age friendly employers.
This site also has a section that lists jobs with nonprofits for those who want a second career with a focus on making a social impact. You can access weekly webinars and useful topics for a small monthly fee.
Since 2005  one million members have taken advantage of the free job search,  career test and useful information geared to helping older workers remain in the work force.